Navigating The Challenges Of 2020 Through Business Continuity Best Practice
Those organisations that have invested in robust business continuity and remote working practices are best placed to weather the market challenges of 2020.
Executive Viewpoint with Moses Yeo, Managing Director, Net One Asia
25 years in ICT industry, with regional experience promoting consulting services for Digital Workspace Innovation and Multi-Cloud platform solutions. Responsible for the overall management, sales and operation activities in Singapore. He holds several sales and management positions with technology services companies that focus in virtualisation, end user computing and cloud computing solutions

To help organisations chart a course through the disrupted market, and come out the other end in a position of strength, Net One Asia and Dell Technologies have crafted solutions that enable organisations to rapidly roll out highly secure, market-leading business continuity and remote working strategies.
What are the different trends you are seeing regarding remote work trends in enterprises and SMBs in the recent months?
Although most enterprises were ready for remote work, many of their business continuity plans (BCP) were not ready for the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses found themselves getting stuck with enabling employees to access sensitive applications remotely from home, and to sustain this remote working over extended periods.
Enterprises had to quickly extend their BCP policy and guidelines, and as such, VDI became a priority in enterprise. Meanwhile, with SMBs, most organisations have a disaster recovery practice, but no BCP strategy.
What have been the specific challenges faced by partners and customers in the Singaporean market regarding remote work?
We are fortunate that ICT is classified as an essential service, and that we can continue helping our customers run their IT operations. With that being said, as important as the customer is, our top priority has been our employees. Although ICT is not considered as a frontline work, we took extra care about each of our people’s health and mental well-being during this uncertain period.
Not all sectors have been able to respond to the change equally. Which verticals according to you are adopting it faster?
While some essential industries had to focus on implementing additional safety measures, other industries had to reinvent their entire core business and diversify. We saw that the larger enterprises were able to react faster than SMBs, largely attributed to their BCP/DR plans having prepared for this kind of disruption. By vertical, financial services, healthcare and government were sectors that we saw making the necessary workplace changes and adopting cloud at a quicker pace due to the current environment.
As a leading solutions provider, how is Net One Asia geared to address the growing adoption of Work from Home (WFH) challenges?
Net One Asia is uniquely positioned to understand the challenges in adopting remote work, having spent more than 18 years with customers across industries, implementing solutions that are core to current WFH remote workforces. These include virtual desktops and virtual application infrastructure.
We have created bundles of on-premise, cloud and hybrid solutions specific for WFH requirements, because our customers wanted it fast. However, while they wanted it rolled out quickly, they were still greatly concerned with security. Remote access can become a security nightmare, however, we were able to assist by adapting our digital workspace solutions with threat prevention technologies, and today we can offer the highest threat catch rate in the industry without impacting the user experience.
Employee experience and productivity is becoming extremely important while enabling Remote Work solutions. It’s not just about devices but the entire ecosystem, like displays and right peripherals too. What is your take on it?
We noticed that before with many BCP plans, people didn’t take collaboration and communication tools seriously. Now that we’ve been forced to go digital and tune our ways to adapt technologies into our business operations, organisations are realising that having the right hardware and software is the basic building block to remote work, but it needs to be coupled with consulting, deployment and change management best practices to be a success.
As a leading player in IT Services and Solution in the country, can you share your experience of working with Dell? How is Dell Technologies helping you address the new customer challenges with remote workforce solutions?
Dell Technologies’ push towards a unified workspace is a mirror image of Net One Asia’s Work Style Innovation (WSI) or Workspace-as-a-Service (WaaS) push. Apart from being perceived as the largest hardware manufacturer, Dell Technologies’ drive to lead the way in digital transformation is consistent with Net One’s strategic initiative to provide the Best In Class Digital Workspace experience for employees.
If you put Dell Technologies + VMware + Net One Asia together, you see a unique combination of infrastructure, software, and domain excellence that provides not only digital workspaces but also the path towards a hybrid cloud transformation.